Tarqeeq (thinning or lightening) is giving the letter
a quality of lightness by lowering the tongue away from the roof of the mouth. Tafkheem
(thickening or making heavy) is giving the letter a quality of heaviness by
elevation of the tongue. The letter Raa’ (ر) alternates between
tarqeeq and tafkheem according the harakah on Raa’, or in case of sukoon the harakah
preceding it.
Rulef of Raa' |
1. Tarqeeq (Light)
We must pronounce
the Raa’ with tarqeeq if:
1. The Raa’ has
a kasrah underneath it. Examples:
وَطُورِ سِينِينَ -
مِنْ خَيْرٍ
2. The Raa’ has a sukoon on it,
and preceded by a kasrah. Examples:
وَفِرْعَوْنَ – فِيْ
3. The Raa’ has a sukoon ‘aarid,
and preceded by a kasrah. Examples:
Note: Sukoon ‘aarid is sukoon found when stoping.
إِنَّهُ عَلَى
رَجْعِهِ لَقَادِرٌ۞ - يَوْمَ
تُبْلَى السَّرَائِرُ۞
4. The Raa’ has a sukoon ‘aarid,
and preceded by a yaa’ saakinah. Examples:
وَأَجْرٌ كَبِيرٌ۞
– خَيْرٌ۞
5. The Raa’ has
a sukoon ‘aarid, and follows kasr asli (a
letter, not hamzatul wasl, with a kasrah underneath it).
لِذِي حِجْرٍ۞
- سِـحْـرٌ۞
2. Tafkheem (Heavy)
We must pronounce
the raa’ with tafkheem, if:
1. The Raa’ has a fathah or
fathatayn on it. Examples:
- نَارًا ذَاتَ
2. The Raa’ has a dammah or
dammatayn on it. Examples:
- نَارٌ حَامِيَةٌ
3. The Raa’ has a sukoon on it,
and preceded by a fathah. Examples:
- كِتَابٌ مَرْقُومٌ
4. The Raa’ has a sukoon on it,
and preceded by a dammah. Examples:
- عُرْفًا
5. The Raa’ has a sukoon on it, preceded
by a kasrah, but followed an isti‘laa’ letter which has a fathah or dammah on
it. Examples:
– قِرْطَاسٍ
Note: The isti’laa letters are:
خ – ص – ض – ط – ظ - غ - ق
6. The Raa’ has
a sukoon on it, and follows “kasrah ‘aarid“,
Note: a “kasrah ‘aarid” is
the kasrah that is pronounced to start a word with
a hamzatul wasl, and is dropped to connect a preceding word. Examples:
- اِرْكَبْ
7. The raa’ has a sukoon on it,
and follows a “kasrah mufassal“. Examples:
ارْتَضَى – إِنِ ارْتَبْتُمْ
Note: a “kasr mufassal” is
the kasrah produced by connecting the preceding word with
the saakin raa’ (dropping the hamzatul wasl).
8. The Raa’ has a sukoon ‘aarid,
and preceded by a fathah. Examples:
الْقَمَرُ۞ - كَلَّا لَا
9. The Raa’ has a sukoon ‘aarid,
and preceded by a dammah. Examples:
التَّكَاثُرُ۞ - فِي الزُّبُرِ۞
10. The Raa’ has a sukoon ‘aarid,
preceded by a saakinah letter except yaa’ preceded by a fathah . Examples:
– وَالْفَجْرِ۞
11. The Raa’ has a sukoon ‘aarid,
preceded by a saakinah letter except yaa’ preceded by a dammah . Examples:
خُسْرٍ۞ - مِنْ
C. Tafkheem or Tarqeeq
The Raa’ can be voiced with tarqeeq or tafkheem (whatever is easier for the
1. When the Raa’ follows a kasrah asli, and precedes
a isti’laa letter which has kasrah underneath it. It is up to the reader to
do tafkheem or tarqeeq, whether stopping after the word, or
continuing recitation. Such as in:
● Word (فِرْقِ) in Al-Shu‘araa’: 63
2. When stopping on the letter Raa’ follows
an isti‘laa’ letter with a sukoon on it, which follows
a kasrah, the reciter has the choice to pronounce the saakin
raa’ with tafkheem or tarqeeq. Such as in:
Word (مِصْرَ)
in Yusuf: 21 & 99 and Az-Zukhruf: 51,
Word (بِمِصْرَ)
in Yunus: 87,
Word (الْقِطْرِ)
in Saba’: 12.
3. When stopping on the wordh wich the
letter yaa’ from the original make up of the word is eliminated (for
grammatical purposes), the saakin Raa’ may be said with tafkheem or tarqeeq.
Such as in:
Word (وَنُذُرِ) in Al-Qamar: 16, 18,
21, 30, 37, and 39.
Word (يَسْرِ) in Al-Fajr: 4.
Word (فَأَسْرِ) in Hud: 81, Al-Hijr:
65, and Ad-Dukhan: 23.
Word (أَسْرِ) in Taha: 77 and
Ash-Shuara’: 52.
The original make up of these word are:
وَنُذُرِيْ – يَسْرِيْ – فَأَسْرِيْ -
In order to be able to pronounce the letter Raa’
correctly one must practice under the supervision of a tajweed expert.
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