5 Examples of Islamic speech
Daʿwah is the act of inviting or calling people to
embrace Islam and introduce the teachings of Islam to the people. One way
of da’wah is giving a speech.
Da'wah |
1. Islamic speech about Islamis Value
Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings
Good morning audience,
On this wonderful occasion, I am here to give a
speech about Islam. Many still think that Islam is a religion about war, but
actually Islam has very beautiful sides and we can apply it in our daily lives.
For example, Muslims live by referring to the
Qur’an and the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad.
The Messenger of Allah as a good role model has
exemplified the noble character that must be applied by every Muslim.
Every Apostle’s habits have nothing to harm, so we
must exemplify the habits and nature of the Prophet.
Our daily lives should not be far from Islamic
values, from waking up to going to sleep again.
In fact, the procedure for going to the bathroom,
wearing clothes, even drinking and eating was arranged.
It turns out that the beautiful value of Islam is
not only regulated for individuals, but also in social life.
For example, in neighboring lives, we are obliged
to maintain good relations.
In fact, if someone cooks and smells to a
neighbor’s house, then we are asked to provide the food.
So, Islam does have beautiful values and it is
only natural that we implement these values in everyday life and community
life. So many speeches from me.
Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
2. Islamic speech about Muslim Women (Muslimah)
Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings. Thank
you, I pray for the presence of Allah SWT, because on his behalf, we can gather
in this meeting in good health.
I am here to deliver a speech about Muslim women.
Islam greatly glorifies women, so women also need to understand that they are
highly glorified in Islam.
At present, we have found many Muslim phenomena
that keep up with the times. Muslim women want to be hits on social media and
the real world.
Actually Muslim women must maintain their honor and
not be easily carried away by trends or fashions.
So, it is important for Muslim women to try to find
out things that could bring them closer to Allah SWT or even keep them away
from Allah SWT.
Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
3. Islamic speech about Mother
Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings.
Good morning, brothers and sisters. I thank you for
giving the opportunity to deliver a speech in the framework of Mother’s Day
because it coincides with the 22nd of December, our community commemorates
Mother’s Day.
Actually the purpose of mother’s day commemoration
is to recall mother’s services which are sometimes overlooked.
Every day, my mother prepares breakfast, takes care
of household needs, and is even willing to put aside her career just for the
sake of the family. However, we often overlook the great role of mothers by
rejecting their requests, even we often complain. If you ask for help to buy
something, you reject and make excuses, even though when you are sick, your
mother sincerely takes care of us. Maternal sacrifice should be remembered
every day and not only on mother’s day.
How many of us make mothers a priority compared to
friends? How many of us are asking about your mother when you are away from
you? Do not let our busyness overcome attention to mothers who have struggled
to care for and raise us.
Let’s make mother’s day memorial as a day to start
returning to the mother and remember the mother’s services.
Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
4. Islamic speech about Giving Thank to God
Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
The honorable teachers
The respectable master of ceremony
And my beloved friends
Dear my brothers and sisters
First of all let's pray and thanks to Allah SWT for
all the mercy and blessings so we can attend this event. Secondly, peace and
salutation has been with our Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guide us from the
darkness to lightness.
I also would like to say thank you for the master
of ceremony who has kindly provided the time for me to speak in front of the
audience. In this opportunity, I would like to deliver my speech about
"The Importance of Being Grateful"
Being grateful for every moment in our life is very
important. That means we cheered and appreciate all the time and all the
blessing that Allah SWT has given to us.
Being grateful can make us avoid of being envious
with other people life. If we being grateful of our life we will not be greedy
and envious with what other people have.
Also, we can understand that every person have
their own struggle, so we must being grateful with what we have. We must being
grateful that we're all still being healthy in this situation so we can meet in
this event.
That's all from me. I think it's time to finish my
speech. Thank you very much for your attention.
Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
5. Islamic speech about Islam is Not Terrorism
Distinguished teachers, brothers and sisters,
Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
May peace and blessings of Allah be upon all of
It is a great honor for me to stand here now as the
representative of my school to participate in this Annual Islamic Conference.
Also it is an honor for me to be able to share with you some of my thoughts on
how Islam is as a religion of peace which is unfortunately misunderstood by
world societies today.
O my noble brothers,
Maintaining peace is one of the highest desires of
mankind in this age and time. However, unfortunately peace is becoming more
difficult to find anywhere. There is a lot of war going on in many places.
Everyone consider themselves as the right ones and think of others as the wrong
ones, without trying to better understand each other.
Islam offers the real peace for the whole of
mankind. We do not say that Islam is the only religion which offers peace.
However, the term ‘Islam’ itself derived the Arabic root ‘Salam’ which means
peace or submission to the Will of Allah. Someone, who commits acts of terrorism,
even if committed in the name of Islam, does not deserve to be called Muslims.
Indeed, the true Islam is that which contained in
the Qur’an (Holy book of Islam) and in the Sunnah (The sayings of the prophet
Muhammad SAW). And not everything that is said to be Islam is in considered
part of the religion of Islam. It needs to be returned to the Qur’an and to the
Allah, the Most Merciful, said:
“And do not kill those souls whom Allah has
prohibited unless justified by a due legal right” (Surah Al-An’am 6:151)
The Prophet of Muhammad (SAW) said, in an authentic
hadeeth by Imam al-Bukhari,
“Whoever kills a non-Muslim who has an agreement with the Muslims then he will
not smell the fragrance of Paradise”
In the other authentic hadeets by al-Bukhari, The
Prophet of Muhammad (SAW) also said,
“A true Muslim, is that the one from whose tongue
and hand Muslims are safe”
It is very clear that Islam give a warning against
every acts of terrorism. And we surely understand, if the acts of terrorism are
committed by a Muslim, meaning that they have violated Islamic rule within the
Qur’an and Sunnah. Only people who love peace can be called as a truly Muslim.
O my noble brothers,
According to the United Stated (US) National
Counter-Terrorism Center, Al-Qaeda kills over seven times more Muslims than
non-Muslims. According to the United Nation’s report, Muslims are the largest
victims of ISIS. According to the US State Department, Muslims are also the
largest victims of terrorism in general. So, the only relationship between
Islam and terrorism is Islam is the most victims of it.
Finally, this is the true Islam that I can explain
to you today. Far away from the image raised by the media, the message of Islam
actually offers a peace for the whole of mankind, against any forms of
terrorism acts. All humans, whatever their religion, are invited to come and
discover the peaceful message of Islam.
Let us all work together to maintain the peace. Let
us hold hands together to create a peaceful paradise on earth. May Allah help
us to do so. God bless us all. Ameen.
Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
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