When we read the Qur'an, there are ethics that we must do. Unlike reading books, newspapers or comics, reading the Qur'an has its etiquette. This is a form of our respect for the Qur'an.
There are some etiquette and rules for reading the Qur’an:
Holy Quran |
1. Good
Intention and Sincerity
Quran is a grand act of worship but it can become a great sin too. There are many
rewards for those who read the Quran. Prophet Muhammad said:
reads a letter from the Book of Allah, he will have a reward. And that reward
will be multiplied by ten. I am not saying that “Alif, Laam, Meem” is a letter,
rather I am saying that “Alif” is a letter, “laam” is a letter and “meem” is a
letter.” [Tirmidhi states this is saheeh]
Islam, the most important things are intention and sincerity. You should
observe your intention and sincerity before doing any act of worship to check
whether you are doing it for Allah or to get the praise of the world. Worships
done with the wrong intention, such as for impressing anyone, worldly gains,
and, showing off won’t yield you anything more than the offense of Allah.
Observe your intention, rectify
your mistakes, purify and clean your heart before reading the Quran to receive
the most benefits, guidance, and understanding of the Holy Quran.
2. To
Ensure That Body and Clothes Are Clean And Wudu
One of
the crucial rules of reading the Quran is to make wudu before the recitation.
Wudu purifies the body and heart. Besides, You should read Quran with a clean
body, clean clothes, and in a clean place. This Quranic verse emphasizes on the
great honor of this Sacred Book which calls for showing tremendous amount of
respect to it.
it is a noble Qur’an. In a Register well-protected; None touch it except the
purified.” (Quran, 56: 77-79)
Cleanse Mouth Before Reciting the Qur’an.
ibn Jundub reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him,
said, “Freshen your mouths with the toothstick. Verily, they are the pathways
of the Quran.”
Sitting In A Respectable Place and Respectful Manner
this is not any normal kind of book as the Quranic lines have descended from
the Heavens, so one must pay due reverence to it by sitting in a decent and
upright place. Besides, one must also sit down in a considerate and reverent
fashion while gripping the Holy Quran in its hands so as to fulfill the
required level of high opinion for this Hallowed Volume by action.
Keeping Quran At A High Place And A Clean Place
The Holy
Quran possesses high status and no book can reach the status of the Holy Quran.
To pay the most respect to the Holy Quran, you should place the Holy Book of
Allah SWT by resting it on a neat and clean pillow or other support and avoid
putting it on the floor because of its extremely high status. Place the Qur’an
in a slightly elevated position. Never place it on the ground.
Holding Quran with Due Respect and Love
Use your
right hand when carrying the Quran and while reading the Quran. It’s the sunnah of
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He used to perform every good act with
his right hand. It’s not an obligatory deed, but an act of giving respect to
the Holy Quran.
Facing the Direction of Qiblah
Face the
direction of Qiblah while reciting the Quran. This is not any rule but the
etiquette of reading the Quran. There’s no bad in reading Quran while facing
any other direction. It is also a good practice to avoid leaning back and
reading in a straight sitting position.
8. Reading
Quran with Tajweed Rules
The Holy
Quran needs to be recited with great care in terms of its correct
pronounciation as Arabic is a highly complex language and little error could
lead to change in the true meaning of the words. Hence, reading this highly
Revered Scripture of Allah SWT requires one to be concerned about fulfilling
its due esteem with respect to Tajweed regulations.
9. Reciting With A Slow Pace
Sacred Book of the Creator of entire universe must be recited slowly to better
understand and absorb the true gist of its verses.
10. Reciting
Quran in A Beautiful Tone
angels come from the sky to listen to the beautiful recitation. Quran was
revealed in the Arabic language with the beautiful pronunciation of each word.
Tajweed and tarteel help to improve the Tilawah. Avoid a violation of Quranic
tajweed rule during the recitation of the Holy Quran and read continuously
without cutting the recitation for any random reason.
has been narrated to have said:
“He is
not one of us who does not make his voice beautiful with the Quran.” (Bukhari
and Muslim)
11. Starting
Recitation with Istia’azah and Basmalah
reader must read “isti’azah” prior to the beginning the recital
process in the following way:
Billahi mina-Shaitan-nir-Rajeem”
seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the Accursed.”
reciting the Holy Quran requires great attention and concentration level;
therefore, every Muslim is advised to speak the above mentioned prayer to the
Almighty to save it from Satan.
“So when
you recite the Qur’ān, [first] seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the expelled (from
His mercy).” (Quran, 16: 98)
addition to isti’azah, one must also read “basamalah”, which is given
ir-Rahman ir-Rahim”
“In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate.”
form of Veneration of Allah SWT is necessary act to perform because He is ever
Merciful and Generous, Who forgives one`s sins and grants from His Blessings
without any count.
12. Reading
Quran with Khushu’
recitation builds your connection with Almighty Allah. Whenever you begin to
read the Quran, Satan tries to distract your mind with worldly thoughts to
break that connection. Get yourself fully prepared before the Quran recitation.
Sit in solitude and keep away your mobile devices or anything that might
distract you.
said], “O John, take the Scripture [i.e., adhere to it] with determination.”
And We gave him judgment [while yet] a boy” (Quran, Maryam: 12)
13. Understanding
the Meaning
When the
person reciting Quran, It must be focused on the message of Allah and grip some
points for developing ourselves, Family and society. Allah talks to you through
his book. He guides you, shows you light, and gives you command through his
book. Whenever you feel worried, get the help of the Holy Quran. Read the
Tafseer of the Holy Quran.
[Qur’ān] is notification for the people that they may be warned thereby and
that they may know that He is but one God and that those of understanding will
be reminded.” (Quran, Ibrahim: 52)
Sujoud At-Tilawah
specifically about fulfillment of the rights of this Revered Heavenly
Manuscript, one must perform sujoud (prostration) in front of Allah
SWT wherever it sees the Sajdah mark in Holy Chapters. There is a total of 14
verses of the Holy Quran where the listener and reader should prostrate to
Allah whether it comes during Quran recitation or Salat prayer. Whenever a
Muslim prostrates in front of Allah after reading or listening to the verse of
Sujoud At-Tilawah, he/she shows obedience towards Allah and disobedience to
15. Glorifying
Allah SWT Having Finished Quran
At the
end of a recital process, one is advised to say the following:
Allaahu aaleyul Azeem”
“The Highest, the Mighty Allah spoke the truth.”
It is
the testimony of the Holy Quran being Authentic and Wordings of Allah SWT.
short, these are some of the foremost ethics and etiquettes of reading the
Sacred Book of the Almighty Lord which must be fulfilled in order to pay the
required level of homage to the In peace, Muslims believe that the Holy Quran
should be honor with the deepest respect.
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