Makharij (single: Makhraj) means the place of emitting the letter when pronouncing
it that differentiates that specific letter from other letters, but The letter
is a sound that relies on a specific or approximate articulation point. The
scholars laid out five major areas that have within them the different
articulation points, which are a total of 17.
Makharij |
The five
main Makharij are: Al-Jawf, Al-Halq, Al-Lisaan, Ash-Shafatayn,
and Al-Khayshoum.
● Al-Jawf
Al-Jawf is the empty space in the mouth and throat is a place and
an articulation point at the same time. The three madd letters originate
from this non-specific area, these letters are: Alif (ا)
preceded by a fathah, Yaa (ي)
preceded by a kasrah, Waw (و)
preceded by a dammah.
● Al-Halq
Al-Halq means the throat which has three articulation points for
six different letters.These three Makharij are:
1. The deep throat (Aqsal-halq): Haa’ (ه)
and Hamzah (أ).
2. The mid throat (Wasat Al-halq): Haa’ (ح), and ‘Ayn
3. The upper throat (Adnal-halq): Khaa’ (خ)
and Ghayn (غ).
● Al-Lisaan
It has ten articulation points for eighteen letters. These ten
articulation points are:
1. The deepest part of the tongue and roof of the mouth (soft
palate): Qaaf (ق).
2. The deepest part of the tongue and roof of the mouth (hard palate):
Kaaf (ك).
3. The middle of the tongue and hard palate: Jeem (ج), Sheen (ش) and Yaa’ (ي).
4. The side of the tongue and upper molars (left or
right): Daad (ض).
5. Front edge of tongue & gums of upper front teeth: Laam (ل).
6. Tip of tongue and gums of two front teeth: Nun (ن).
7. Tip and top of the tongue with the gums of two front teeth: Raa’ (ر).
8. Tip of tongue and gum line of two front teeth: Taa’ (ت), Taa’ (ط), and Daal (د).
9. Tip of tongue and plates of two lower front teeth: Seen (س), Saad (ص), and Zay (ز).
10. Tip of tongue and edges of two front teeth: Thaa’ (ث), Thaal (ذ), and Thaa’ (ظ).
● Ash-Shafatayn
It means the two lips. The lips are the makhraj for four letters. There
are two main areas within this makhraj:
1. Two lips: Baa’ (ب),
Meem (م), and Waaw (و).
2. The under lip and edges of two front teeth: Faa’ (ف).
● Al-Khayshoum
It means the nasal passage. This is where the ghunnah (the sound
directed through the nose). The ghunnah is a characteristic of Noon (ن) and Meem (م).
From the explanation above, we find makharij totaling 17 with the
following details:
● Al-Jawf
● Al-Halq
● Al-Lisan
● Ash-Shafatayn
● Al-Khayshoum
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